If you’re up at 3 a.m. searching for snoring solutions on the Internet, you’re not alone. Millions of people snore and they and their sleep partners are looking for some snoring treatments that work. Learn about some home remedies for snoring and what to do when you or your partner suffer from sleep apnea.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring happens when your airway becomes constricted and you are no longer able to move air freely through your nose and mouth.

The most common causes of snoring are:


  • Obesity – Loss of muscle tone and fatty tissue in the throat can contribute to snoring.
  • Age – Throat muscles become weaker with age, which could lead to snoring.
  • Sinus Problems – Chronic sinus congestion is another common contributor to snoring.
  • Alcohol Use, Smoking, Medications – Excessive alcohol use, smoking, and certain medications for anxiety and depression can make snoring worse by keeping throat muscles relaxed.
  • Sleep Posture – Back sleepers often have problems with snoring because the flesh at the back of the throat is most relaxed in this posture.
  • Physical Abnormalities – Cleft palate, enlarged adenoids, and a narrow throat are also common causes of snoring.


Home Remedies for Snoringsnoring solutions to help you remedy the problem once and for all


  • Prevention
    • Lose weight
    • Stop smoking
    • Cut back on alcohol consumption
    • Sleep on your side


  • Treatment


    • Neti Pot – If snoring is due to chronic sinus congestion, a neti pot is one of the best home remedies for snoring. A neti pot is a genie-lamp-shaped pot that holds saline solution designed to clear the pollen, dust, and mucus from your nasal passages.
    • Humidifier – Chronic allergies are a common contributor to snoring. This can create dryness and inflammation in the nasal passages. A humidifier is often an effective solution for snoring in this case.
    • Nasal Strips – Nasal strips can be worn at bedtime to open up airways naturally and cut down on snoring.
    • Mouth Guards – Mouth guards are common snoring solutions for individuals whose snoring is caused by obesity or excessive relaxation of the throat. A mouth guard supports your jaw and opens airways to stop snoring.
    • Medication Switch – Taking heavy doses of sedatives before going to bed can worsen or even create a snoring problem. Consider talking with your doctor about switching anxiety, pain or anti-depressant medication.


Your Sleep Partner’s Solutions for Snoring


  • Earplugs – Sometimes none of the home remedies for snoring work and your sleep partner wakes irritable and cranky every morning. For light snorers, earplugs can be the perfect snoring solution.
  • Separate Beds – If snoring continues to be a problem no matter how much you’ve tried to fix it, you and your partner may opt to sleep in separate beds. It is estimated that ¼ of married couples sleep in different beds for various reasons.
  • Separate Bedrooms – This is a controversial stop snoring solution because really, you’re not stopping the problem, you’re just avoiding a divorce at this point. Separate bedrooms can be very difficult for partners because it takes away the intimacy of sleeping together but in cases of severe, roof-busting snoring, this may be an ideal last-resort solution.


Surgery for Snoring

When all other snoring solutions have failed, somnoplasty or snoring surgery can be considered. Somnoplasty is a surgical method of removing part of the tissues of the uvula and soft palette. It is an outpatient procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.


Treating Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder caused by periods of extremely slow breathing or no breathing during sleep. This can cause the sufferer to wake up partway several times during the night, gasping for air. Often the sufferer is unaware that he or she has this problem and will wonder why they always wake feeling tired.

There are two different types of sleep apnea. One is central sleep apnea, whereby the interruption in breath is due to lack of effort by the central nervous system. The second is obstructive sleep apnea whereby the lack of adequate airflow is caused by an obstruction in the air passages.

You can treat sleep apnea at home using any and all of the above-mentioned home remedies for snoring. However, it is very important to note that if there is no improvement or if breathing problems persist, you should speak with your doctor about using a breathing apparatus such as a CPAP machine during sleep.

No matter the cause of your snoring, these treatments and preventative measures can help you and your sleep partner finally get some uninterrupted rest!