It’s important to realize there is a clear distinction between cures, and treatments.  What many people think of as a “cure” is actually a treatment.  Many depressed individuals find relief in different SSRI’s or other anti depressant drugs.  Sometimes they say Prozac “cured their depression”.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  If the patient stops taking the medication, the depression will return.  The same applies to most snoring treatment options.

The Difference Between A Cure And A Treatment

A treatment is something that you have to do on a continual basis over many years to relieve the symptoms of a problem.

A cure is a solution to a medical problem that only needs to be undertaken once or only on a few occasions, and it treats the CAUSE of the symptoms.

A cure targets the root cause of a medical condition.  Snoring treatments exclusive deal with eradicating the symptoms, but it does not address the underlying issue.

The issue that many snorers have to deal with is essentially this — is the juice worth the squeeze?  What does this mean?  Are the benefits associated with snoring cures worth the potential secondary consequences good or bad?

When we’re talking about a medical related issue like snoring, eradicating the problem permanently isn’t always a cut and dry situations.

Most people opt for a snoring treatments over snoring cures?

Why is this?

What snoring cures are available?Unfortunately snoring is caused by physical abnormalities inside the airway, and/or nasal area depending on the individual.  The only proven snoring cures involves surgery, and even then it’s not 100%.  Many of the surgeries are invasive and involve cutting the uvula (the little dangling thing in the back of your mouth), or actually remove tissue in and or around the airway.

This is not a simple solution.  Sure you can wear a CPAP or BiPAP, but again this amounts to a treatment.   CPAP and BiPAP have nothing to do with any snoring cures, outside of the fact that most candidates for surgery have found them to be ineffective or uncomfortable.

Let’s use weight loss as an example here.  I know I know what you’re thinking it seems sort of off the wall.  Let me explain.  What are the two main legitimate methods people lose weight?  Proper diet and exercise are one and surgery is the other.

What if I told you that there was a “proper diet” and exercise solution to snoring?  Surgery can be a risky and worsen the results in many cases.  Look how many people came to realize liposuction really didn’t solve their weight problem after all.

Let’s take a look at some of the complications with one of the many snoring cures known as somnoplasty.

  1. Failure to resolve or eliminate snoring. Most surgeons feel that about 80% of patients who undergo a somnoplasty will have a significant or complete resolution in their snoring; and an additional percentage of patients will notice reduced levels of snoring such that their sleep partners will report that it’s level is no longer offensive.
  2. Failure to cure sleep apnea or other pathological sleep disorders. Pathological sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, are medical problems which may have associated serious complications. At this time, the somnoplasty procedure has not been proven to cure these disorders.
  3. Nasal regurgitation, a change in voice, or velopharyngeal insufficiency whereby liquids may flow into the nasal cavity during swallowing (rare).
  4. Need for revision, or further and more aggressive surgery.
  5. Prolonged pain, infection, bleeding, or impaired healing.
  6. Thermal or electrical injury to the mucus membranes of the soft palate, uvula, or mouth. This may result in tissue loss by burn.


Luckily, you don’t have to risk any of these.  Remember what I mentioned earlier about weight loss?  The other option we haven’t mentioned is diet and exercise.  Yes, it’s true your diet affects whether or not you snore at night obesity also has  a direct correlation with snoring.  However, even more important is exercise.

You can stop your snoring by learning to do the RIGHT exercises to strengthen the muscles in your airway.

Read more about this alternative to surgical snoring cures at Blue Heron Health News.