Our Rating: 2/5


My Snoring Solution is a chin strap that works in a similar fashion to stop snoring mouthpieces by moving the jaw forward to create more space in the airway. It has the advantage over SnoreZip in that it is designed for people who suffer from snoring due to physical obstructions in the airway. It’s easy to wear around your head and is made of very comfortable and soft material.

reviews of my snoring solutionThe biggest gripe one might have is the feeling of having such a large device on, it makes contact with a large portion of your head and it can be a bit itchy to wear at times. This however does not discount just how effective the product is in opening up your airway to reduce snoring vibrations.

The chin strap does not appear to be susceptible to breaking, tugging on the material you will find that it’s very sturdy. You may feel like your jaw wants to pull back against the strap, but after wearing it for some time you learn to relax your jaw muscles and allow the chin strap to do it’s job.

It is machine washable which makes cleaning it a breeze, though it may be a good idea to let it air dry as the dryer could prove damaging.

While perhaps not the most fashionable thing you could wear to bed at night, My Snoring Solution gets the job done.

This product is not as effective as using a CPAP machine, but it much less of a hassle to put on and use at night. It also has the added advantage to being ready-to-use right out of the box unlike some stop snoring mouth pieces which require you to mold and shape it before it properly works.

 My Snoring Solution Reviews


  • Comfortable To Wear
  • Works For Mild To Moderate Snoring
  • Strong Machine Washable Material


  • A Bit Bulky And Unfashionable
  • Not For Snoring Due To Congestion
  • Negative User Experience (See Below)

Is This Stop Snoring Chin Strap A “Scam”?

It’s easy to discount a product as being ineffective without proper use.  Some users have complained that the product does not work for them, but this issue is often solved by adjusting the chin strap properly so that it can be effective.

This product requires that it’s making contact at the proper points around the head and jaw so that it can achieve maximum effectiveness.

Some users do not follow proper instructions when using the product and feel that it’s ineffective.  While the stop snoring chin strap is not for everyone, especially those who only snore seasonally due to allergies it can be effective when used properly.  However, due to overwhelming reports by users on the internet independent of our own experience we do not recommend this product.

Our Advice:

With the money back guarantee it might be worth a shot, but you’d be much better off using a product a product that’s been tested thoroughly and proven to work.

This product failed to stop snoring in most circumstances so if you’re not willing to waste your time please see our recommended stop snoring mouthpieces for a more effective product.

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