Snoring is not a gender specific condition.  While many people consider problem snorers to be male this assertion is entirely incorrect.  While women are statistically not as likely to snore as men are, they have just as much incentive to stop snoring because the number of women who snore is well in the double digits.  Current estimates tell us that around 25% of all women snore at night compared to about 40% of men.

Due to the social perception that snoring is a male problem many women are reluctant to acknowledge their snoring problem, or make any effort to stop snoring at all.  Women more so than men are prone to depression, and sleep deprivation due to snoring can aggravate this risk.
Sleep-deprived women are irritable, more frequently depressed, and more susceptible to illness. The consequences can become even more severe: women who suffer from sleep deprivation tend to age more rapidly, and face an increased risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.  Interestingly, nightly snoring can actually be a result of obesity and exercise  is often recommended as one of the best methods for combating the problem.  Lack of sleep can also lead to confusion and impaired judgment—which may be why women with sleep-deprivation are involved in accidents more often.

Women are often deeply affected by weight related issues, and cutting the pounds is essential for improved health.  Obesity directly contributes to nightly snoring, and one of the best ways to help yourself stop snoring is to shed the pounds.  Of

snoring affects up to 25% of womenSnoring is sometimes more prevalent during certain stages in one’s life. Increased levels of hormones in the blood stream can swell nasal passages and contribute to the snoring problem.  Post-menopausal women are also at risk for snoring because the decrease in the hormone estrogen causes the neck muscle to relax further.  Nightly snoring can be even more alarming in older women as they more at risk for heart disease, and snoring directly contributes to increased rates of heart disease.

It’s never too late to stop snoring, please use the resources on this site to help you on your journey.